Community Building and Fellowship
Church doesn’t just happen on Sundays, and it’s about much more than a worship service. We offer a variety of opportunities to gather with friends in your faith community.
Covenant Groups
Covenant Groups provide opportunities for supportive relationships through which our covenant community may be realized. Unlike many other groups in the congregation, they do not have a task or agenda. They exist for members to know one another and to be known.
Some of our Covenant Groups are listed here, though we offer many more:
- Circle of Friends Meets the third Thursday of each month at Thinking Man Tavern in Decatur to have lunch and conversation.
- Green Team Creates outlets for outdoor activities as well as promotes environmental action and awareness.
- Instrumentalists Play musical instruments together and who may be available for morning worship and other occasions.
Coffee, Books, & More
This group meets on Friday mornings to enjoy coffee and other treats over a good book discussion. And what is the more? It’s always different. Join us to find out.
Good Fellowship Club
This group is mainly composed of members of the Oakhurst Community who have been meeting together for years. On Thursday mornings, they eat together, have devotional and prayer time, participate in service projects, and take trips together.