God Is Love

God Is Love

Listen as Minister of Music Karen Bryant Shipp reflects on the ways we experience God. While they are varied and the many expressions speak to who we are, we can find commonality in God’s encompassing love.

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Why and How

So many things exist in the world that cause us to ask, “Why is this happening? How do we let this happen?” That happened in Jesus’ world as well, and is a large part of the Easter story. Listen as Pastor Lauren Colwell searches for answers to the why and the how. How can we respond to a hurting world? And why should we?

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Everyone Loves a Parade?

As Jesus parades into Jerusalem we shout hosanna, but we know a storm is looming as Jesus’ enemies begin to grumble. Life can be like that – one day a parade, the next day a violent storm. Listen as Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West ponders how the storm sometimes surprises us in the midst of the parade and hear the response by Cindy Clark, Laura Johnson, Ashley Robinson, and Marjorie Hall Snook as they sing a rendition of the Walin’ Jennys’ “Storm Comin'”.

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Life of the Party

Does God ever want to throw a party in our honor? The story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 says yes, God’s boundless and joyful love yearns to throw a party for us just because God missed us so much while we were away. Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West asks if we will allow ourselves to be celebrated by God’s love. And how will we love and celebrate others as God’s children? Let the partying begin!

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Get a Life

“Get a life!” You hear it from poets, punk rock artists, and even Jesus. Listen as Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West suggests that all it might take is a little more manure.

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If Nobody Else Tells You…

We are still journeying in the wilderness of Lent and exploring how we can take A Leave of Presence during this season. Part of that journey is saying “No.” While Jesus said, “Yes,” to many people, Pastor Lauren Colwell takes a closer look at his “No” in Luke 13:31-35.

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taking A Leave of Presence

While we often fantasize about our wilderness times being a chance to escape, disengage, or numb-out from life, if we follow Jesus’ example of his 40-day wilderness time, wilderness time is a chance to be fully present. During the Lenten season, we will explore what it looks like to take A Leave of Presence and what it means to be more fully alive with God, with one another, and with ourselves. Listen as Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West ushers us into the season.

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A Story of Holy Play

On Mardi Gras Sunday, listen as Karen Bryant Shipp talks about Holy Play and all the ways we can worship the God who created each unique person. Her story is based on Anatole France’s “The Juggler of Notre Dame.”

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But, I’m Not Judging You…

We often fear being judged by others, and yet also know we are typically our own worst critics. Once we finish tearing down ourselves, we move on to those closest to us, trusting they will stick around no matter what. Listen as Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West reflects on Jesus’ words in Luke 6 and encourages us to embody God’s grace and kindness while in community with one another.

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