The Power That Is Love

The Power That Is Love

It is nothing new to say that “God is Love” and that Jesus is God’s Love incarnate. But what is this Love we’re talking about? A warm and fuzzy feeling? The subject of countless popular songs? In our world, and in our churches, Love is given lip service, but, in practice, is usually seen as weakness. And yet a New Zealand Prayer Book prayer reads, “…you reign in the glory of the power that is love….” What is this power inherent in Love? Listen as Minister of Music Karen Bryant Shipp explores the Power that is Love.

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“Amen to Prayer”

When we discuss prayer we are quickly hip-deep in a sucking bog. The Rev. David Lose, pastor of Mount Olivet Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, writes, “Prayer is not only at the heart of the Christian life, it is also at the heart of a lot of Christian frustration, misunderstanding, and even pain.” (Working Preacher, David Lose, 7/18/2010) Listen as Rev. Bob Duvall attempts to walk us through what can be the muck and mire of prayer.

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So Many Things

We knowingly distract ourselves with many things, giving them acceptable names like work, service, responsibility, and relationship. And then, there are the distractions we don’t recognize at all. What keeps us from listening to ourselves? Or from hearing the loving voice of God call us by name? Listen as Pastor Lauren Colwell wrestles with these questions.

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Inside Out

How can reading the bible “from below,” from a non-privileged social position, flip our understanding of what’s going on in it? Using the story of Naaman and Elisha, from 2 Kings 5, David Rensberger explores how an insider can hear the word of God from outsiders and underdogs.

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Road Rules

What are we to make of Jesus’ clear intent to head toward Jerusalem followed by a meandering path of interruptions? Intentions and Interruptions? Listen as Rev. Bob Duvall shares his thoughts.

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Existence as Resistance

Sometimes our resistance looks like marching, singing, preaching, or dancing in the face of oppression. Sometimes, our greatest act of resistance is to have the audacity to exist. Listen as Ashley Robinson encourages us to do just that.

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What’s in a Name?

We all have a name, and many of us several nicknames. We have names for God too that take all different shapes and forms. What happens when those names meet? What is in God’s name? What is in yours? Listen as Minister of Music Karen Bryant Shipp talks about what’s behind God’s name and when God calls yours.

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We Shall Be Released

Captivity takes all different forms. Sometimes it looks like high walls, sometimes like overwhelming circumstances, and sometimes it is not detectable at all. Listen as Rev. Bob Duvall reflects on how we can be “Buddha in a ten-foot cell” and indeed be released.

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