Listen as Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West reflects on what it might mean to be a servant in a kin-dom where there are no lords and there is no hierarchy and where losing in the eyes of others just might mean liberation in the eyes of our own souls. Melanie’s sermon is followed by a song by Lee Bains and a prayer by Leslie Withers.
October 17, 2021 – 21st Sunday after Pentecost
On Pride Sunday 2021, we welcomed back Oakhurst-ordained Rev. Benjamin Curry, who reflects on Mark 10:17-31. Ben shares: “Pride is about getting down to earth and being true to who you have always been. No shame. You cannot truly understand pride unless you truly understand shame…and release it.”
“There is something in every one of you that waits, listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself and if you cannot hear it, you will never find whatever it is for which you are searching.…” – Howard ThurmanListen as Melanie Vaughn-West shares her search for the genuine in her own heart and invites… Read more »
“I learn by going where I have to go.” (Theodore Roethke) Karen Bryant Shipp shared experiences, both planned and unexpected, from her recent sabbatical/pilgrimage to the Cedars of Peace in Nerinx, KY.
We celebrate the 20 years that Karen Bryant Shipp has led Oakhurst Baptist in experiencing connection to music, one another, and God’s work for justice in God’s world!
Get a glimpse of our All-Church Retreat in Hayesville, North Carolina and listen to this reflection by our retreat leaders, Marty and Robin Anderson!
Listen as Rev. Brandon T. Maxwell, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs at Columbia Theological Seminary, reflects on the mysterious John 6:51-58 text, where Jesus talks about the bread of life.
“I need a break. I need to take a step back. I QUIT!” If you heard these words from your favorite hero or athlete, how would you see them? Or from a community leader, clergy, or advocate you most admired? What if one of the major prophets uttered those same words and walked away, would… Read more »
Just as the disciples on Palm Sunday had no clue that they were about to experience Jesus’ death and resurrection and the miraculous appearance of the Holy Spirit, so we in the early days of Covid had no clue as to what would lie ahead. What do we know today that was hidden from us… Read more »
Listen as Oakhurst member Melissa King Rogers preaches from Hawaii! Together, from around the globe and right here in Decatur, Georgia, we will worship God and seek God’s guidance in creating a more loving and just kin-dom of heaven here on earth!