Ripples of Gratitude

Ripples of Gratitude

In the next week someone will likely ask, “What are you thankful for?” Some of us may have a ready-made response for just such an occasion. Others may struggle with what to say, and some may have trouble naming just one. No matter the answer, the question is a singular one, directed at one person and invites a singular response. But how does the community in Deuteronomy call us to think about thanksgiving and gratitude not individually, but communally? Listen as Pastor Lauren Colwell asks this question.

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It’s Electric!

When we talk about being made in the image of God, we oftentimes forget that that means we are called to be creators as well. As we join God in making all things new, how do we become joyful imitators of the creative nature of God? Listen as Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West helps us explore Isaiah 65 and we continue to seek to be co-creators with God.

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Handing Out Wholeness

In the book of Haggai God asks, “Is there anyone here who saw the Temple the way it used to be, all glorious? And what do you see now? Not much, right?” It sounds a lot like how progressive Christians might be seeing and experiencing the church these days – as not much. The good news is that God promises the temple will end up far better than it started. How are we called to get to work and participate? Listen as Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West reflects on this passage and how God is speaking to Oakhurst Baptist Church today.

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Saint or No Saint?

Why on earth, of all the people gathered in Jericho to see Jesus, did Jesus choose to stay at Zaccheus’ house? What did Jesus see in Zaccheus that all those who knew him had missed? What does Christ see in those we condemn, that we miss? What does Christ see in us that we cannot see in ourselves? Listen as Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West talks about how we can try to claim some of our own unrecognized sainthood.

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Categories of Love

Good and bad, right and wrong, old and young, rich and poor, left and right…the list goes on. At a glance we seem to place ourselves in a binary world and make snap judgments to put ideas, people, and concepts in the “proper” category. A quick look at Jesus’s story about a Pharisee and a tax collector might even support that view. But is there more to see? Listen as Pastor Lauren Colwell considers a view with more variables.

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We Are Together

Oakhurst member Tom Denham says, “Everything I ever really needed to know about God, the church, and living a good life is present in the first three words of the Oakhurst Covenant: ‘We are together.’” Listen as Tom invites us to move more deeply into the kin-dom of God and we seek out new ways of being bold and generous together.

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OBC T-Shirts

If you would like an OBC t-shirt, email Lauren with your size preference. Adult and youth sizes are available. Shirts are $15 each and can be paid for online or by check. Pay online by clicking here and selecting “t-shirt” from the drop-down menu.

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Pride Sunday

We believe that God created human sexuality and gender identity in a rainbow of colors and we affirm a vision of God’s kin-dom where all human beings are embraced as God’s beloved children. Hear these reflections from Jennifer Flock and Chris Joyner about why this work continues to be critical in our co-creating the kin-dom of God.

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The Great Divide

We do it every day…with a click, a sideways glance, a step to the other side, a numbing of our own selection…we choose to acknowledge some things and not others. What does Jesus’ story about Lazarus and his side-stepping rich acquaintance have to say about our choices? Listen as Pastor Lauren Colwell takes a look at Jesus’ story and how we are called to notice truth and act in love.

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Pastor Paco Rodés

Sunday, September 22, Pastor Paco Rodés from Cuba preached on the church’s call to be a community of healing. How does Jesus’ healing of people model how we can heal ourselves and help others heal? We also celebrated 15 years of relationship with our Cuban siblings and recognized how our partnership has healed us and contributed to the healing of our churches and our nations.

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